
As a trusted advisor, your clients come to you for professional guidance. They trust you to look out for their best interest and to educate them about all of the planning options available to them. Our goal is to help you effectively explain and structure planned giving options for your clients with charitable intents.
Planned Gifts CalculatorView a presentation that shows the benefits of a planned gift based on your property and goals.
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What to GiveFind out what types of assets make the best planned gifts. Learn about gifts of cash, securities and property.
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How to GiveLearn how to make a gift that provides tax benefits and even life income.
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Charitable Tax ReferenceGiftLaw Pro is a complete charitable giving and tax information service inside the GiftLaw website....
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Private Letter RulingFoundation Granted Additional Time to Sell Excess Business Holdings
Organization is tax-exempt under Sec. 501(a), as an organization described in Sec. 501(c)(3) and classified as a private foundation under Sec. 509(a). Donor made a gift of 33.33% membership interest... More -
Contact UsView a presentation that shows the benefits of a planned gift based on your property and goals.
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